Nature and Scope of Macroeconomics A Complete 2024 Guide

Individuals may use it to assess purchasing and spending decisions. These methods attempt to represent human behavior in functional mathematical language, which allows economists to develop mathematically testable models of individual markets. Neoclassicals believe in constructing measurable hypotheses about economic events, then using empirical evidence to see which hypotheses work best. In this way, they follow in the “logical positivism” or “logical empiricism” branch of philosophy.

  1. The growth of an economy also comes under the study of macroeconomics.
  2. It also determines the causes that lead to such conditions of unemployment.
  3. The books begins with production possibility frontiers, incorporating budget lines in that content, then proceeds to supply and demand analysis.
  4. The theory of economic welfare is also known as welfare economics.
  5. The Consumer equilibrium and the Producer equilibrium are the representatives of partial equilibria.

Further, the authors introduce consumer, producer, and social surplus but neglect to tie these concepts to deadweight loss and market inefficiencies in subsequent chapters. The factor market is examined because of supply of factors and derived demand from product market. In fact, microeconomics deals with individual consumer and a firm or industry. Therefore, it is concerned with behaviour of individual consumers and producers and principles relating to organisation and operations of firms and industries.

The Term Micro-Economics

Microeconomics is also called price theory as it studies the pricing of goods and services and the factors of production. The basic elements of microeconomics are goods and services, prices, markets, and economic agents like consumers, firms, and government. This textbook not only covers the major content for principles level class, but also introduces chapters related to industrial organization, labor economics, environmental economics and international trade. The index is hyperlinked, which is useful and efficient to locate the chapter accurately.

Scope of Microeconomics Explored: Dive into its Meaning and Nature

It emphasized the role of land and agriculture in ensuring a country’s prosperity. The Mercantilists focused on trade and commerce and the accumulation of gold and silver. The Physiocrats focused on productive work, leading to the generation of agricultural surplus. To understand what Microeconomics is, one must know what Economics is. There were only very few (very minor) errors spotted throughout the book, but nothing that would distract or keep students from using the textbook. The text is consistent in terms of terminology and framework, the presentation as well throughout the book with only a few exceptions that I mentioned in the comprehensiveness part of this review.

Macroeconomic Theories

However, I expected the chapter discussing “public goods” (chapter 13) to also discuss all four categories of goods – private goods, public goods, common resources, and quasi-public goods. Microeconomics is the study of households, firms and industry. It explains the working of market for individual commodities and behaviour of individual buyer and seller in such market. There are two types of markets that are product market and factor market These markets are dependent on each other. The factors of production are earning in factor market but they are spending in product market. The goods are produced with the joint efforts of factors of production.

Theory of economic welfare

Perhaps the section on Oligopoly could be expanded a bit with a few more examples. Download the textbook online is easy and the hyperlinks and QR codes in “Link It Up” section work well. The textbook has several hyperlinks and qr codes that function properly. There are no noticeable distortions or errors that prevent delivery of the textbook content.

The text covers the topics in the order that are typically covered. The majority of the content is current, with discussions addressing the impact of recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Opportunity cost is closely related to the idea of time constraints. One can do only scope of microeconomics one thing at a time, which means that, inevitably, one is always giving up other things. The opportunity cost of any activity is the value of the next-best alternative thing one may have done instead. Opportunity cost depends only on the value of the next-best alternative.

It does not study the aggregates relating to the whole economy. This approach does not study national economic problems such as unemployment, poverty, inequality of income etc. Theory of growth, theory of business cycles, monetary and fiscal policies etc. are beyond the limits of microeconomics.

A firm can get maximum profit when marginal revenue is more than marginal cost. An industry is in equilibrium when new firm does not enter the market or old firm does not leave the market. Microeconomics can be applied in a positive or normative sense. Positive microeconomics describes economic behavior and explains what to expect if certain conditions change.

But I would not include Table 1.2 with countries like China. Based on the national income categorization China is a upper middle income country and India is a lower middle income country. Tables like table 1.2 can be culturally sensitive especially in an era where trade wars and controversies are happening with this country. In my experience with my students, I think most of my students find the textbook written in clear and concise language, although use of more examples would be helpful. This book introduces economic theories that apply to most of the countries in the world.

It also contains “Work it Out” sections with solved problems relevant to the concepts presented. There are “Link it Up” sections that contain a link to a real world case or example relevant to the concept studied. All of these add to the clarity and understanding of the concepts studied. Each economic system has to make the decisions regarding what is to produced, how it is to be produced and how the resources to be allocated amongst the different competing uses. Thus, in the micro economics, we deal with the problem of production, consumption, distribution and resource allocation. The theory of production talks about the performance of manufacturers or producers and how they allocate available limited resources to produce certain commodities.

This article will focus on the nature and scope of macroeconomics. On the other hand, supply is the willingness and ability of producers to sell a quantity of goods at any given time. Demand is the willingness and ability of consumers to purchase a quantity of goods at any given time. In Greek, the words `micro’ and `macro’ mean small and huge, respectively. Micro-Economics is the branch of Economics that studies economic issues in small, individual details, as if under a microscope. In contrast, Macro-Economic studies economic issues in aggregative and overall forms, looking at the broad picture.

The economy is said to be efficient when the number of goods and services are produced so as to yield maximum satisfaction to the consumers. The economic efficiency is the subject matter of economics. Welfare economics is an important branch of micro economics. Hence, micro-economics is intimately related to economic efficiency or welfare. Lerner has rightly remarked, “In micro economics, we are more concerned with the avoidance or elimination waste.” Micro-economics identifies the conditions of efficiency a suggests measures to avoid inefficiency.



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